Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Causes and Dangers of Yellow Snow

The Causes and Dangers of Yellow Snow Yellow snow is the topic of many a winter joke. Since snow in its purest form is white, yellow snow is said to be colored with yellow liquids, like animal urine. But while animal (and human)  markings  can indeed turn  snow yellow, these  arent the only cause of yellow snow. Pollen and air pollution can also lead to large  areas of snow cover that looks like lemonade. Here are the ways snow can acquire a golden hue. Blanketed in Spring Pollen One harmless reason for yellow-tinted snow is pollen. Common in spring snows when flowering trees are already in bloom, pollen can settle in the air and on snow-covered surfaces,  marring the white color of snow. If youve ever witnessed your car covered in a thick coat of yellowish-green mid-April, then you know how thick a coating of pollen can be. Its the same with spring snows. If a large enough tree is overhead above a snow bank, the golden appearance of the snow can be spread over a large area. The pollen may be harmless  unless you happen to be allergic to it. Pollution or Sand Snow can also fall from the sky with a yellow color. Yellow snow is real. You may think snow is white, but other colors of snow exist including black, red, blue, brown, and even orange snow.   Yellow snow can be caused by air pollution  as certain pollutants in the air can give snow a yellowish tinge. Air pollutants will migrate towards the poles and become incorporated into the snow as a thin film. As sunlight hits the snow, a yellow hue can appear. When snow contains particles of sand or other cloud seeds, it can be a source of yellow or golden snow. When this occurs,  the color of the condensation nuclei can actually tint the ice crystals yellow even as it falls through the sky. One example was in South Korea when snow fell in March of 2006 with a yellow tint. The cause of the yellow snow was an increased amount of sand in the snow from the deserts of Northern China. NASAs Aura satellite captured the event as weather officials warned the public of the hazards contained within the snow. Yellow dust storm warnings are popular in South Korea, but yellow snow is rarer. Yellow snows often cause concern that they come from industrial waste. An intense yellow snow fell in areas of the Russian Urals region in March 2008. Residents worried that it came from industrial or construction sites and preliminary reports said it was high in manganese, nickel, iron, chrome, zinc, copper, lead, and cadmium. However, the analysis published in Doklady Earth Sciences showed that it was due to dust swept up from the steppes and semidesert of Kazakhstan, Volgograd, and Astrakhan. Dont Eat the Yellow Snow When you see yellow snow, its best to avoid it. Regardless of what caused snow to turn yellow, its always safest to find fresh fallen, white snow whether youll be using it for snowballs, snow angels, or especially snow ice cream.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Famous Quotations About Literature and Writing

Famous Quotations About Literature and Writing We see, enjoy, and criticize the end result of writers work, but theres so much more to these pieces than what the public consumes. After all, millions of books get published every year, joining the vast libraries that have been built up over time, but we regard few as classics, greats or masterpieces. So what makes the difference between just another piece of writing and a literary success? Often, its the writer. Heres a collection of thoughts from world-famous writers on what literature means to them and why they pursued the written word as a means to express themselves. Quotes About Writing and Literature Henry Miller: Develop an interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music-the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls, and interesting people. Forget yourself.Ezra Pound: Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree.Joseph Heller: He knew everything about literature except how to enjoy it.John Steinbeck: I hold that a writer who does not passionately believe in the perfectibility of man has no dedication nor any membership in literature.Alfred North Whitehead: It is in literature that the concrete outlook of humanity receives its expression.Henry James: It takes a great deal of history to produce a little literature.C. S. Lewis: Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.Oscar Wilde: Literature always anticipates life . It does not copy it but molds it to its purpose. The nineteenth century, as we know it, is largely an invention of Balzac. G. K. Chesterton: Literature is a luxury; fiction is a necessity.Virginia Woolf: Literature is strewn with the wreckage of those who have minded beyond reason the opinion of others.Salman Rushdie: Literature is where I go to explore the highest and lowest places in human society and in the human spirit, where I hope to find not absolute truth but the truth of the tale, of the imagination and of the heart.William Somerset Maugham: The crown of literature is poetry.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation.Robert Louis Stevenson: The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean. Like a Woman Who Gives Herself Without Preference Anatole France: The duty of literature is to note what counts and to light up what is suited to the light. If it ceases to choose and to love, it becomes like a woman who gives herself without preference.E. M. Forster: What is wonderful about great literature is that it transforms the man who reads it towards the condition of the man who wrote.Samuel Lover: When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. But if you have not a pen, I suppose you must scratch any way you can.Cyril Connolly: While thought exists, words are alive and literature becomes an escape, not from, but into living.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Personal Abilities, Skills, Capability and Experience to Set Up a Statement

Abilities, Skills, Capability and Experience to Set Up a Business - Personal Statement Example In the past, I have had entrepreneurial thoughts. I have thought of innovations that would make changes to the world. I thought of innovations that would make life easier for people while adding opportunities for jobs and livelihood of people.  There are various reasons that make me consider myself as an entrepreneur. The best indicator is that most of my role models are entrepreneurs. On top of the role model is Bill Gates. I consider him as a role model for his innovativeness and courage. Although a student, Bill Gates was innovative enough to see how software development could solve people problems (Bridge S, O'Neill K, Martin F, 2009). He did not stop at the academic level but pursued his discovery and implemented the knowledge. Bill Gate's courage is manifested by how he is able to pursue the discovery even though they are limited by resources and skills. Richard Branson of the Virgin Empire is another role model. Richardson's self-beliefs inspire me. He is able to see problem s and does not run away from the problem but bravely confronts the problem and comes up with solutions.  As an entrepreneur, I am innovative. I am able to come up with solutions using innovative ways. From my lower grades in school, other students relied on me to give solutions when they were met with challenges. I have been able to use my innovativeness and interest in information technology in various ways. I have prepared and implemented software applications that can solve various problems. At my home, I prepared a software application that helps me to remember to prepare for every day. Together with my colleagues, we were able to present software applications that help manages students' welfare at our former High school. My self believe adds to my qualities of entrepreneurship. I believed in my capacity to bring changes to the society and take it as a duty to bring positive changes. Although some other people are not comfortable with my assertiveness, I take it as a gift that should be exploited for the good of the people. My inner drive helps me to overcome negative reactions and pessimistic opinions of other people. The business idea that I have in mind is online marketing and sales. This idea came in my mind as a result of development in information technology that has changed the culture and ways of life of people (Burns P, 2008). The conventional ways of doing business would not be successful in this information era. The information era calls for a restructuring of the business to conform to new technologies. The other motivation for online marketing and sales is the philosophy of lean (Entrepreneur, 2009). Most of the products that are sold to the end are sold at a very high price as compared to the production cost of the product. The additional costs to the products resulting from the many middlemen. Online sales and marketing enable the products to be sold directly to the end ensuring that the end user gets the value of the money used.  Online sales and marketing requirements and entails the use of information technology in sales and marketing. As an entrepreneur, I wish to apply the skills to assist business and corporate market their products through the internet. In addition to the market, I wish to assist businesses to implement direct online sales to their customers.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Same-sex marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Same-sex marriage - Essay Example The 1990s saw heated political discourses on same sex relationships particularly in relation to the rights of parenting and spousal benefits in the state of Massachusetts. This led to the recognition of same sex relationships and the provision of benefits (including health and insurance benefits) to individuals in same sex marriages. Nonetheless, this move led to a huge uproar especially among the Christians and clergymen who felt that a special interest group cannot get equal treatment and the recognition accorded to a family unit. They termed same sex partners as friends who decide to share the same house and other different responsibilities. From then, there have been unsuccessful attempts to pass a legislation that would provide guidelines on the same sex relationships. All along, the supporters of same sex relationships have been fighting not for the recognition of same sex relationship but for the accordance of equal benefits and fairness to the individuals belonging to same se x relationships. ... rt claimed that under the constitution of Massachusetts, it was illegal and highly unconstitutional to deny individuals in a same sex relationship the benefits of marriage. This opened the gates for Massachusetts to join other jurisdictions that have legalized same sex marriages including Belgium and Quebec, Canada. In the United States of America, the state of Massachusetts was the first state to recognize and legalize same sex marriages. The case â€Å"Goodridge v. Department of Public Health† provided Massachusetts with the basis for legalizing same sex marriages. The court claimed that it could not deny two individuals who are together because of a mutual agreement the benefits, obligations, and the protections of a civil marriage. The court further noted that the constitution of Massachusetts does not tolerate the establishment of second-class Massachusetts citizens under any cost. Instead, it argued that the constitution represents the rights as well as the dignity of al l people in Massachusetts. Following this decision, the court gave the state legislature a period of 180 days to take any appropriate action in line with its ruling. In the ruling, the majority opinion claimed that the court’s obligation was to provide an appropriate definition for liberty as opposed to imposing its own moral code. This opinion rubbished the perspective of the opponents of same sex marriage who claimed that the legalization of same sex marriage could not be a determination of four individuals. The majority opinion also had it that as opposed to the federal constitution, the constitution of Massachusetts protects personal liberty against any interference from the state or the national government. This is in line with the argument of LaFleur and Cristin (9) that if same sex

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Of mice and men dramatically conveys to us the vital importance of dreams in helping us to deal Essay Example for Free

Of mice and men dramatically conveys to us the vital importance of dreams in helping us to deal Essay Of mice and men dramatically conveys to us the vital importance of dreams in helping us to deal; with the often difficult realities of our lives. In this novella by John Steinbeck, some characters had dreams to get them out of difficult realities, their dreams helped them to combat the loneliness and hopelessness of there existence. George Milton and Lenny Small, two poor homeless migrant workers who belonged nowhere and to know one were doomed to a life of wandering and toil, in which they will neve be able to reap the fruits of there labour. The one thing that that kept them strong through this repetitive and useless life was a dream. Someday were gonna get the jack together and were gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an a cow and some pigs (George- pg 14). It was a dream that was shared by every American worker, to have a place of their own, the opportunity to work for themselves and know one to give them orders. For Lenny the dream was very much real, it helped him to cope with the boredom that he faced and he always went to sleep happy thinking about tending the rabbits. For George on the other hand, the dream was at first like a fairytale he told Lenny to bring a smile upon his face and the promise of tending the rabbits helped him to stay out of trouble but all the while he was very optimistic about the dream and felt that there was no way it would become a reality. Georges first views towards the dream were soon changed when Candy found out about what they were planning, he offers financial help and suddenly a new view is seen of the dream. This unexpected offer by Candy means that the dream is no longer a fantasy and finally all the pain and suffering might have payed off for George, Lenny and Candy but the threat to the fulfilment of this dream is ever present in Lennys behaviour and in the end its Lennys uncontrollable actions which finally destroy dream. The dream is constantly changing, at first it was just a story told by George to cheer up Lenny, then in the middle it seemed like it would come true and finally in the end it was apparent that everyones dreams were shattered with Lenny as the only exception, because he dies happy with the picture of the dream in his head. Candy wishes to share in the dream with George and Lenny because he is becoming old and useless like his dog, he has nowhere to go to and now one to care about him and unlike his dog theyre not going to take him out and shoot him, instead there going to put him in an old folks home where he will feel lonely and have no freedom. By joining Lenny and George he can live out his days happy and free, forever safe knowing he wont be canned. Once Candy realises that the dream is more or less a reality he stands up for what he believes in with dignity and courage, something he didnt do before he realised the dream was within reach. Candy realises that he doesnt have to be the useless old cripple anymore because he can live the rest of his life happy, without being told what to do. Candys dream ended in a pessimistic way because all he wanted got destroyed leaving him with nothing and hence left in the same way he was before the dream- old, useless and hanging onto his job by a thread. Crooks dream was to be respected and not judged by his colour, he too wanted to live on the ranch with Candy, George and Lenny. Crooks is an example of the bitterness, anger and hopelessness that a black American struggling to be recognised as a human being is faced with. At first Crooks was most cynical about the dream of owning a ranch but the dream was powerful enough to convince him that it was the real thing for a few moments only to be shattered by Curleys wife who made it clear that there is no way a black, crippled outcast such as himself would ever make such a dream a reality. That statement that Curlys wife made, made Crooks realise that he was nothing more than an outcast and what she said was in a way true, with that all the hopes and dreams of Crooks were crushed. Like Crooks, Curleys wife is stricken with isolation and sadness. She was out of place on the ranch and because of that she was a really lonesome person with lonesome feelings and hence was often desperate for someone to talk to. Throughout the novel Curleys wife stirred up many emotions among the workers of the ranch, such as the way she looked and acted lead other characters in the novel to see her as a tart. Curlys wife indulged in a dream which had already passed her by, leaving her with a life of empty hope. Like many young women, she aspired to stardom in films after being wrongly told that she was a natural. At first she seemed cold hearted and set herself to make trouble but then it became apparent that she was just lonely adn wanted someone to talk to and as Curley was not interested in hearing about her hopes or dreams, the only person she found willing to listen to was Lenny.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Finding Ones Own in Cyberspace, by Amy Bruckman :: Finding Ones Own in Cyberspace

Ever since I have been in college my telephone has been shorting out every time I try to have a conversation with someone on it. It has been so aggravating! Especially when I am trying to talk and the person on the other line keeps saying, what, what...What did you say? It drives me crazy! Well when I got to college I was advised, and later informed, that it was a requirement to know how to use the Internet. So I signed up for an E-mail account. In high school I never used the computer for anything but assignments, but now I constantly find myself on line. I am either E-mailing friends far away, or talking to my family on IM (Instant Message). The Net has been most helpful to me when it comes to contacting others, especially since my phone doesnt work. Most importantly, I feel that the Net has brought my family and I closer together. After I read Finding Ones Own in Cyberspace, by Amy Bruckman, an essay explaining that to enjoy the Net we need to find our own place, our own communit y, so I realized that my community on the Net is E-mail, enabling me to talk to the people closest to me. The movie You've Got Mail starring, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, exemplifies how two people become closer through E-mail. Making it easier for people to connect in ways they always could, but never new how. Both the movie, Youve Got Mail, and Bruckmans Finding Ones Own in Cyberspace explore how the Net brings out a side of us that cannot be seen by the human eye. You've Got Mail is a love story about a man and woman who meet on the Internet and use e-mail to talk to each other. Although they havent met face to face they know so much about each other that if they were to meet, it wouldnt matter what the other person looked like. Hankss character owns a very popular bookstore that in turn makes Ryans tiny family bookstore go out of business. Therefore, Ryan hates Hanks throughout the whole movie. Everyday they seem to run into each other not knowing that the person(s) behind their face s are their soul mates. Little do they know the person they see everyday and the person that they despise is the same person they talk to every night when using E-mail or their I. Finding Ones Own in Cyberspace, by Amy Bruckman :: Finding Ones Own in Cyberspace Ever since I have been in college my telephone has been shorting out every time I try to have a conversation with someone on it. It has been so aggravating! Especially when I am trying to talk and the person on the other line keeps saying, what, what...What did you say? It drives me crazy! Well when I got to college I was advised, and later informed, that it was a requirement to know how to use the Internet. So I signed up for an E-mail account. In high school I never used the computer for anything but assignments, but now I constantly find myself on line. I am either E-mailing friends far away, or talking to my family on IM (Instant Message). The Net has been most helpful to me when it comes to contacting others, especially since my phone doesnt work. Most importantly, I feel that the Net has brought my family and I closer together. After I read Finding Ones Own in Cyberspace, by Amy Bruckman, an essay explaining that to enjoy the Net we need to find our own place, our own communit y, so I realized that my community on the Net is E-mail, enabling me to talk to the people closest to me. The movie You've Got Mail starring, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, exemplifies how two people become closer through E-mail. Making it easier for people to connect in ways they always could, but never new how. Both the movie, Youve Got Mail, and Bruckmans Finding Ones Own in Cyberspace explore how the Net brings out a side of us that cannot be seen by the human eye. You've Got Mail is a love story about a man and woman who meet on the Internet and use e-mail to talk to each other. Although they havent met face to face they know so much about each other that if they were to meet, it wouldnt matter what the other person looked like. Hankss character owns a very popular bookstore that in turn makes Ryans tiny family bookstore go out of business. Therefore, Ryan hates Hanks throughout the whole movie. Everyday they seem to run into each other not knowing that the person(s) behind their face s are their soul mates. Little do they know the person they see everyday and the person that they despise is the same person they talk to every night when using E-mail or their I.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Legal Defenses Checkpoint

Legal Defenses Checkpoint Elizabeth Stebbins 220 March 1, 2013 David McNees Legal Defenses Checkpoint Three legal defenses that could be used in court to excuse behavior are insanity, self-defense, and entrapment. Insanity is when the defendant did not know what he or she was doing at the time of the crime, or did not know that it was wrong. It is when the individual is not in their right mind because of mental illness or such.Usually they are sent to psychiatric facilities for treatment and if treated, they are transferred to prisons to complete their terms. Self-defense is when the victim of a potentially deadly attack kills another because it is the only reasonable thing to do to protect them from bodily harm and they are unable to get away. Those who use the self-defense plea are saying that they acted appropriately for the situation and not doing so would have resulted in their own death or serious injury. Entrapment is a situation in which the government takes actions that lead to or ‘create an opportunity’ for crime to happen† (Meyer & Grant, 2003, p. 41). For example, a government agent convincing someone to commit a crime, who would otherwise not commit a crime. Entrapment is rarely a successful defense and not valid unless it was a government agent persuading or planting the idea in an individual. Meyer & Grant (2003) state that, â€Å"to be a crime, an act requires three important elements: actus reus, mens rea, and concordance between the two† (p. 8). The act must be a guilty act or omission (actus reus), meaning voluntary and breaking an existing criminal statute, and have a guilty state of mind (mens rea). However, there is an exception, say when one is convicted of a crime like vehicular homicides with no intend to harm anyone. References Meyer, J. & Grant, D. (2003). The Courts in our Criminal Justice System. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Business Plan Electrical Blinds

Description We offer solar powered blinds to both consumer and businesses. Taking part of the green movement, we allow our consumers to utilize direct energy from the sun that can be translated into powering small appliances within houses and corporate buildings. With most large building and houses using blinds we can capitalize on the large un tapped market place. Our goal is to partner with large blind companies and push forward our technology Marketing Plan and StrategyTarget Market Our main focus will be targeting home owners , business and building landlords. Offering our service to this niche market of green conscious building owners will allow us to capitalize on the reneable energy sector. Competitors Our competitors will be large corporation who have already developed solar panels that are able to translate into powering small appliances. These companies will easily be able to enter the market and take market share.Our biggest competitors will be 3M technologies who have alr eady developed small solar panel film that is able to be placed on solid objects. Pricing strategy Partnering with existing blind companies that already have existing contracts with building , home and landlord owners will be our largest attribute in penetrating the market. We will offer them a 8% profit in sales to use their blinds with our technology. In addition we will offer large distirubtion discounts to building owners to be more enticing to purchase our technologies with blinds.Promotion and distribution We will promote our product through government services that promote green movement within the energy sector. Distributing our products with large blind corporoation such as blinds to go will allow us to increase sales dramatically within the industry. Quality target To ensure quality we will have our technology fully certified before distribution. In addition we will * Green , durable , passes all ISO test Technology requirementsOur product will require solar power film tha t can recharge batteries which can power small application. Our blinds will have standard 12V adapters which will allow direct connection of appliances. Service support To keep our clients satisfied with our services we offer a 24/7 direct support line if any products fail during the desired warranty period. We offer 1,3 and 5 year warranty programs. Management Kyle – 10 years of electrical engineering back groundArchuna – 15 years of marketing and sales with a back ground in solar panel construction Shadan – 17 years of R&D at 3M technologies, specializing in solar panel construction. Background in blind sales from Blinds To Go. Organization structure Pyramid style CEO – Director – Employees Intellectual property: Patents – Solar panel film, battery charger, power adapter Copywrite – Solar panel blind architectural design Financial plan Receive funding from angel investors in order to market our solar panel film into the market.We pl an to invest in distribution, marketing our product. We will also invest in R&D to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of our solar panel film. Risk 1. New competitors that are able to replicate our technologies at a lower price. 2. Consumer will not adapt to our technology and will prefer standard blinds 3. Our prices will be for a niche market of consumers , the standard everyday living middle class buyer will not be willing to pay additional cost for our blinds

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on The Runaway Jury

The Runaway Jury John Grisham, author of The Runaway Jury, is considered by many as the â€Å"king of the legal thriller† (Runaway). He brings a background to his writing that earns him this title honestly. Born February 8, 1955, in Jonesboro, Arkansas, Grisham grew up with hopes of becoming a professional baseball player. Some time later he realized that he was not talented enough for the job, so he enrolled in college. After graduating from the University of Mississippi, he attended law school and in 1981, earned a law degree. He practiced law for nearly a decade, specializing in criminal defense and personal injury litigation. During this time, his interest turned to politics, and in 1983, he was elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives where he served two terms (John). While in office, Grisham began writing his first novel, A Time to Kill, which was published in 1989. With that book’s success, he decided to give up his job as a politician to become a full-time nov elist, publishing a book nearly every year from that time on. The Runaway Jury, his seventh book, was published in 1996 (Grisham). In all, Grisham has written fifteen books. Six of those books have been made into movies (Movies). Currently in production, â€Å"Runaway Jury† is expected to be released in 2003 (Yahoo). In 1996, Grisham returned to the courtroom one last time, this time to represent the family of a railroad brakeman who was killed when he was pinned between two of the railcars. This resulted in Grisham’s biggest win to date with an award of $683,500 to his client (John). Even when Grisham is not writing, he is extremely busy. He divides his time between his family, charity work and refereeing on one of the six ball fields he built for the twenty-six Little League teams in his area. The Runaway Jury is the story of a tobacco trial set in Biloxi, Mississippi, and is loosely based upon a tobacco suit brought years earlier in ... Free Essays on The Runaway Jury Free Essays on The Runaway Jury The Runaway Jury John Grisham, author of The Runaway Jury, is considered by many as the â€Å"king of the legal thriller† (Runaway). He brings a background to his writing that earns him this title honestly. Born February 8, 1955, in Jonesboro, Arkansas, Grisham grew up with hopes of becoming a professional baseball player. Some time later he realized that he was not talented enough for the job, so he enrolled in college. After graduating from the University of Mississippi, he attended law school and in 1981, earned a law degree. He practiced law for nearly a decade, specializing in criminal defense and personal injury litigation. During this time, his interest turned to politics, and in 1983, he was elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives where he served two terms (John). While in office, Grisham began writing his first novel, A Time to Kill, which was published in 1989. With that book’s success, he decided to give up his job as a politician to become a full-time nov elist, publishing a book nearly every year from that time on. The Runaway Jury, his seventh book, was published in 1996 (Grisham). In all, Grisham has written fifteen books. Six of those books have been made into movies (Movies). Currently in production, â€Å"Runaway Jury† is expected to be released in 2003 (Yahoo). In 1996, Grisham returned to the courtroom one last time, this time to represent the family of a railroad brakeman who was killed when he was pinned between two of the railcars. This resulted in Grisham’s biggest win to date with an award of $683,500 to his client (John). Even when Grisham is not writing, he is extremely busy. He divides his time between his family, charity work and refereeing on one of the six ball fields he built for the twenty-six Little League teams in his area. The Runaway Jury is the story of a tobacco trial set in Biloxi, Mississippi, and is loosely based upon a tobacco suit brought years earlier in ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Slink, Shrink, and Wink

Slink, Shrink, and Wink Slink, Shrink, and Wink Slink, Shrink, and Wink By Maeve Maddox Last week I found the word slinked in manuscripts submitted by two different members of my writers’ group. In both mss I drew a wavy line under it to represent the shudder that the -ed past ending on this verb stirred in me. The principal parts of slink are slink/slunk/slunk.: Then I got to thinking about various verbs that rhyme with slink and realized that although slinked pushed my shudder button, I have no problem with winked. And while I accept slunk as the simple past of slink, I’ll never become reconciled to the movie title Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. I want it to be Honey, I Shrank the Kids. The verb shrink has an additional kink: the attributive form shrunken. Ex. My sweater has shrunk in the wash. BUT Just look at this shrunken sweater! Here are some more verbs that rhyme with slink. Ill define only those that I think may be unfamiliar to some readers. clink/clinked/clinked â€Å"to make a sharp, abrupt metallic sound† The chain clinked as he walked. blink/blinked/blinked The prisoner blinked in the bright sun. drink/drank/drunk Like shrink, drink has an attributive form ending in -en: He walks like a drunken sailor. fink/finked/finked â€Å"to inform on† The petty criminal finked on his boss. kink/kinked/kinked â€Å"to twist or curl stiffly, especially at one point. The hose kinked at the worst possible time. pink/pinked/pinked â€Å"to cut or perforate† The tailor pinked the edges of the cloth. stink/stank/stunk The garbage stank up the house. The Compact OED gives stunk as an option for the simple past. think/thought/thought He thought a long time before making a decision. ink/inked/inked Her job was to ink the platen press. link/linked/linked The blogger linked to several sites. sink/sank/sunk The boat sank in a squall. Like shrink and drink, sink has an attributive form ending in -en: He’s looking for sunken treasure. skink/skinked/skinked Yes, this is a word in the OED: skink: v. trans. To draw or pour out (alcoholic drink), to decant; to offer or serve (wine, etc.) to a person. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Coordinating vs. Subordinating Conjunctions"Confused With" and "Confused About"50+ Words That Describe Animals (Including Humans)

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Steve Ray Vaughan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Steve Ray Vaughan - Research Paper Example Subsequently, the helicopter crashed on hilly terrain about 3/5 Mi from the takeoff point.† (NTSB, 1992) The pilot and all four passengers were killed. Among the dead was a man many consider to have been the greatest Texas blues guitarist of his generation and the heir to Johnny Winters legacy, Stevie Ray Vaughan was dead. His last show the night before had been a sold out concert of 30,000 at Alpine Valley Music Theatre in East Troy, Wisconsin, featured an encore jam with Vaughan, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Jimmie Vaughan and Robert Cray. Arguably, there could not have been a more fitting final performance for a great blues guitarist. The following brief discussion will focus on the life and career of Stevie Ray Vaughan. Initially, a brief biography will be presented, then his career, his style and the critical response will be surveyed. Interviews with guitarists of my acquaintance will also be considered and a full discography is included in an appendix. Stevie Ray Vaughan was born in Dallas, Texas on October 3, 1954. His brother James Lawrence "Jimmie" Vaughan was almost four years older. Stevie Ray grew up listening to his brothers collection of B.B. King, Albert King, Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton records and playing his brothers guitar. By the time he was fifteen he was following his brother to gigs, including a memorable night in 1969 when his brothers band opened for The Jimi Hendrix Experience, although Stevie Ray never met him. At the same time, like many other teenagers in the 1960s Stevie Ray was forming bands. When he was in junior high school, he began playing in garage bands, occasionally landing gigs in local clubs and bars. By the time he was 17, he had dropped out of Kimball High School to concentrate on his dream of a musical career. (â€Å"Stevie Ray Vaughan Biography†) According to his biographers Joe Nick Patoski and Bill Crawford both his style and speed were born in his competition

Friday, November 1, 2019

Thesis statement and Reaction Response Paper Essay

Thesis statement and Reaction Response Paper - Essay Example In many ways Doyle’s friendship with nationalists and individuals interested in the self-determination of people groups caused him to be viewed by individuals within the United Kingdom’s power structure as something of an outsider or, even worse, as something of an enemy. However, regardless of his tacit support for Irish Independent and other issues of a more domestic nature, Doyle also spent a large majority of his life campaigning against the immorality and injustice that colonialism represented. Within his piece entitled â€Å"The Crime of the Congo† Doyle illustrates the way in which the colonial powers of Britain, as well as many other European powers, were negatively impacting upon the happiness, well-being, and self-determination of an otherwise industrious and proud people fully half a world away. As a function of detailing how exceptionally horrific colonialism was, specifically within the Congo, Doyle focuses upon issues relating to long hours, slavery, a focus on profit and production with a disregard for humanity, and the innate levels of cruelty, and other issues that most Europeans might not be familiar with. Accordingly, with respect to the long hours, Doyle related to the fact that even though slavery was outlawed within Europe, it was still readily practice within many of the colonies. For instance, the individuals that were responsible for primary production and transporting the goods from one place to another oftentimes woke up at 6 o’clock in the morning and worked until 8 in the evening (Doyle, 2011). Whereas this was uncommon to say the least within England, the nature of the work and the manner by which these individuals were treated was tantamount to nothing more than slavery. If profits are high, they push for even further profitability and even more production; something that the individuals that are virtually enslaved in this process cannot